Monday, October 1, 2012

Am I really blue?

In the short story , " Am I blue ? " by Bruce Caville the main character Vince goes to a whole different world , with his new fairy-god........... FATHER!?!?! Yes , he has a fairy-godfather named Melvin . Melvin helps Vince go through a day where people can understand the real meaning of being gay, Melvin teaches Vince that people aren't always what they seem .Many people think Vince is gay , but he is not sure weather he is or isn't . Melvin picked Vince as his first case because he can relate to Vince. He understand what Vince is going through or went through , because it happened to Melvin himself years ago before he died and became a fairy-godfather.
This story sends a lot of messages or themes to kids and adults around the world . But there was one theme that caught my eye the minute i started reading this , and it was 'Don't judge a book by it's cover". I thought this was the theme because many people think they know someone or there history just by looking or glancing at them but truth is you don't know anyone's story or how they feel just by looking at them on the outside , people don't understand how people feel on the inside.
For example Vince isn't sure yet if he is gay or not but many people think he is just by looking at him. People such as Butch think people are what they seem on the outside and leave behind the fact that Vince has feelings . Another example , is when VInce got sent to the blue world and he realized that many people who he thought were gay or seemed where gay were actually not . Like Ms. Thorndyke the librarian who the whole city new was gay , but truth is that she wasn't any shade of blue which meant that she was 100% straight .
"Can't tell without a spell , straights are helpless at it .They're always assuming someone is or isn't for all the wrong reasons" Melvin said . I can relate to this quote because it basically summarizes my whole response .
To conclude this response I just want to say that if you are looked at a certain way or talked about in a way where people just look at you and assume , walk up to that person and recall everything that isn't true and make sure you tell that person "don't judge me if you don't know the real me !!!"

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